Shutter Monkey

Shutter Monkey Shoots... Shutter Monkey Scores

Monday, May 09, 2005

Things that I like and you should too

Here's an amalgamation of things I am currently enjoying:

Tegan & Sara's new album is SO good! I was going to buy it, but then my trusty genetic link came in handy and I burned it from my brother who had already spent his cash. Ha!

You should support Sante D'or. It's where our kitty came from. I inquired about filling their empty "animal photographer volunteer" spot!

Kenya was posted by Mr. Ceity, but I enjoy it so much that I stole it! Their feline rocking is hypnotic...

I like Fred Flare, but I need to return the aviators I just bought as they are just too large for my face, and you know they must be big for me to admit that...

I can't wait for Conan on the 12! Will Ferrell and Louis XIV! Woo!

Ok, ok, back to work...